Gi2MO Ontology v0.6: a close up look at idea relationships with Gi2MO Links hierarchy

| December 14, 2012

Gi2MO Ontology is a schema for Idea Management System metadata that we maintain as an implementation of the interchangeable data model proposed by the Gi2MO Project. Along the road we have shown a number of uses of the ontology for: distributed data visualisation, semantic search, data integration etc. As a followup to our paper on […]

Gi2MO Ontology v5

| March 29, 2012

The Gi2MO project has started with the a metadata schema proposal for the Idea Management Systems. Keeping in mind how much we went forward since that time (almost two years!), we would like to refresh the specification to accomodate the new developments that we did not take into account before. Below you can see a […]

Using HRMS and personal profile for ranking ideas

| December 10, 2011

Following the earlier introduced concept of Linking Enterprise Data for Idea Management, we have constructed a simple demonstrator that shows how to rank ideas and suggest idea reviewers based on the links between idea creator and his extended profile information in the HRMS (Human Resources Management System). Gi2MO Use Case Study: Idea ranking based on […]

OPAL now a Drupal project

| September 25, 2011

A small announcement related to one of the modules developed by us in relation to Marl ontology and the usage of opinion mining in Idea Management Systems. The OPAL (Opinion Analyser) module has been promoted from a sandbox project to a full project at the Drupal homepage. The function of the module is to calculate […]

Gi2MO going to ISWC 2011 in October

| September 7, 2011

Although we just got back from the EDOC 2011, we are already happy to announce another presentation. We are going to give a talk at the 4th international workshop on Social Data on the Web (SDoW2011) collocated with the International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC2011) in Bonn, Germany. This time, however, we are not going to […]

How to get more idea metrics without forcing new obligations on inventors

| March 13, 2011

In Gi2MO apart of our core research on the ontology for Idea Management Systems we investigate other problems of the domain and techniques to obtain valuable data. Our recent experiments have turned into use of Natural Language Processing techniques to analyse the textual content submitted by the users. We would like to present a prototype […]

Publishing Idea Management metadata in public vs. maintaining it private

| December 15, 2010

One of the trends in the current Semantic Web community and also something that is starting to gain traction in the World Wide Web is the notion to publish data in the open in a structured form (e.g. see Opening Up Government or Linking Open Data projects). In our recent research we have put most […]

Gi2MO Ontology v4: towards the Enterprise Linked Data

| December 5, 2010

After quite some time spent on applications that support the Gi2MO project, we get back to the roots. Today we publish the next iteration of Gi2MO ontology! The most important update is the inclusion of various properties connected to linking data of Idea Management Systems with information coming from other enterprise systems and the publicly […]