New version of IdeaStream (v1.6): Sandbox innovations before releasing them into the wild

| August 14, 2012

We are proud to bring you another update of our open-source Idea Management platform – Gi2MO IdeaSteam. This time we have new two major features and a bunch of improvements and fixes. Firstly, we added a functionality called “Idea Sandbox”. What it does is to allow an inventor to save an unfinished idea without publishing […]

Gi2MO Metrics: Making Sense of Taxonomy Annotations to Measure Idea Performance

| August 8, 2012

Some time ago we shared our research on Gi2MO Types – a taxonomy that allows to classify ideas based on a number of their characteristics. We also showed a sneak peak of how this could be used in practice. Today, we would like to go above and beyond that preview and deliver an actual solution […]

Gi2MO IdeaStream Similarity v3.0 is out!

| August 2, 2012

Today we are happy to bring you an update of our similarity module for Gi2MO IdeaStream – an Open-Source Idea Management System based on Drupal. The version bump is quite significant (see last 2.0.2 release) but so are the new features! Firstly, we have added similarity types: apart of the full-text search (word frequency), IdeaStream […]