Detecting disruptive innovation in Idea Management Systems

| July 1, 2019

Lately we have had less updates to our Gi2MO software family and focused more on longer term research on Idea Management Systems. Today we are happy to share results of our latest experiments on idea organisation. In the past, we presented several approaches for automatic selection of successful and/or interesting ideas (eg. via sentiment analysis […]

New articles on Idea Management research from JSMO Journal

| March 16, 2015

For the past year, joined by a number of experts from Idea Management area, we collaborated with the Journal of Social Media for Organizations (JSMO) to bring an interesting package of articles that would report on the recent Idea Management research and interesting case studies of ongoing projects. Today, as a result of this collaboration, […]

CFP: JSMO Journal Special Issue on on Large-Scale Ideation and Deliberation: Tools and Studies in Organizations

| February 16, 2014

In a continuous effort to support Idea Management research we would like to promote a Call for Papers for a Special Issue of the Journal of Social Media for Organizations (JSMO). The issue title is: Large-Scale Ideation and Deliberation: Tools and Studies in Organizations. The journal has already started accepting submissions and will continue until […]

CFP: Large-Scale Idea Management & Deliberation Systems (LSID 2013)

| April 17, 2013

Rather than introducing new publications ourselves, this time Gi2MO is joining the effort to stimulate Idea Management research in general! We are happy to announce a Call for Papers for the Workshop on Large-Scale Idea Management & Deliberation Systems (LSID 2013). Aside of publishing new achievements in the area, the primary aim of the workshop […]

Upcoming thesis defence on Semantic Technologies in Idea Management

| February 6, 2013

We are happy to announce a presentation that will take place at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, School of Telecommunication, Madrid, Spain. The talk will sum up most of the research done so far in the Gi2MO Project in context of scientific activities of the Intelligent Systems Group. The presentation is going to focus on research […]

Article in Decision Support Systems journal on innovation models for Idea Management Systems

| January 5, 2013

For some time now we have been gradually sharing our research on innovation classification, taxonomies and metrics based on innovation models taken from Innovation Management practices. Most notably, we have presented: Gi2MO Types taxonomy – a set of terms for domain independent categorisation of ideas. The taxonomy consists of over 70 terms organised in 4 […]

Upcoming presentation on semantic search in Idea Management during ICITST 2012 in December

| November 13, 2012

Following on the two previous talks, we got one more event in the Gi2MO calendar for this year: a presentation on semantic search during the 7th International Conference for Internet Technology and Secured Transactions (ICITST-2012). The talk is based on a paper by Geovanny Poveda, Adam Westerski and Carlos A. Iglesias entitled: “Application of Semantic […]

Gi2MO Metrics: Making Sense of Taxonomy Annotations to Measure Idea Performance

| August 8, 2012

Some time ago we shared our research on Gi2MO Types – a taxonomy that allows to classify ideas based on a number of their characteristics. We also showed a sneak peak of how this could be used in practice. Today, we would like to go above and beyond that preview and deliver an actual solution […]

New webpage for IdeaStream

| July 15, 2012

The primary goal of Gi2MO project is research, however in parallel to our investigative work we have put quite some effort into development of software such as our open-source Idea Management System – Gi2MO IdeaStream. We noticed that often people who come to us and want to use IdeaStream are just starting their adventure with […]

Talk about opinion mining in Idea Management Systems during COOP2012

| May 22, 2012

We are happy to announce another talk from Gi2MO project entitled: “Mining sentiments in Idea Management Systems as a tool for rating ideas“. The presentation is based on a short paper by the same title and shall discuss the usefulness of opinion mining algorithms for Idea Management Systems. In particular, we will present the results […]