Gi2MO going overseas to present at CollaborateCom conference!

| September 18, 2012

After quite some development oriented news we are happy to announce something more research flavoured. We are going to give a presentation about our recent research results at the 8th IEEE International Conference on Collaborative Computing: Networking, Applications and Worksharing (CollaborateCom 2012). The talk is entitled “Idea Relationship Analysis in Open Innovation Crowdsourcing Systems” and […]

Gi2MO Metrics: Making Sense of Taxonomy Annotations to Measure Idea Performance

| August 8, 2012

Some time ago we shared our research on Gi2MO Types – a taxonomy that allows to classify ideas based on a number of their characteristics. We also showed a sneak peak of how this could be used in practice. Today, we would like to go above and beyond that preview and deliver an actual solution […]

Gi2MO IdeaStream Similarity v3.0 is out!

| August 2, 2012

Today we are happy to bring you an update of our similarity module for Gi2MO IdeaStream – an Open-Source Idea Management System based on Drupal. The version bump is quite significant (see last 2.0.2 release) but so are the new features! Firstly, we have added similarity types: apart of the full-text search (word frequency), IdeaStream […]

New webpage for IdeaStream

| July 15, 2012

The primary goal of Gi2MO project is research, however in parallel to our investigative work we have put quite some effort into development of software such as our open-source Idea Management System – Gi2MO IdeaStream. We noticed that often people who come to us and want to use IdeaStream are just starting their adventure with […]

Case study of extending Gi2MO Ontology for InnoWEB project

| June 4, 2012

Recently, we discussed extensions of the Gi2MO Ontology that fit it to the specifics of mobile devices as well as deliberation platforms in general. Now, we would like to share another story of an initiative independent from Gi2MO project but connecting with our ontology research. InnoWEB is an ongoing project by the Mondragon University, ISEA […]

Talk about opinion mining in Idea Management Systems during COOP2012

| May 22, 2012

We are happy to announce another talk from Gi2MO project entitled: “Mining sentiments in Idea Management Systems as a tool for rating ideas“. The presentation is based on a short paper by the same title and shall discuss the usefulness of opinion mining algorithms for Idea Management Systems. In particular, we will present the results […]

IdeaStream Similarity: open-source idea relationship management tool

| April 30, 2012

Following our recent increase in the development activities, we are happy to introduce a yet another addition to IdeaStream family. The IdeaStream Similarity module allows to connect ideas with a number of different relationships. In particular, the module adds a new functionality that activates after the idea submission and allows the innovator to mark duplicates […]

Talk about deliberation platforms and Gi2MO during WWW2012 in April

| April 12, 2012

If you follow our blog closely, you might have noticed news about our collaboration with IMC Technologies on including elements of Gi2MO Ontology in deliberation platforms to support building consensus from ideas that propose different solutions to a single problem. We went one step forward and are happy to announce a talk that will take […]

Gi2MO IdeaStream Services and iPhone demo App Released!

| April 3, 2012

We are happy to introduce a new concept to the Gi2MO IdeaStream family: customizable data services and rich clients that feed on Idea Management data. To demonstrate the power of new IdeaStream features we have implemented an iPhone application! Gi2MO Stats: instance statistics screen and settings screen (click to enlarge). The Gi2MO Stats app shows […]

To Measure and Calculate Innovation: Introducing IdeaStream Analyics

| February 29, 2012

We are happy to announce a new addition to our open-source Idea Management System – IdeaStream. In fact, it’s such a grand and distinctive feature that we decided to create a new module so that administrators can choose if they actually want to install or not the new functionality. IdeaStream Analytics adds a new panel […]