Gi2MO Reader: A Windows 8 app with touch interface for Idea Management

Posted By on December 23, 2012

We are proud to announce another research prototype from Gi2MO Project: a Windows 8 application made for the new modern touch optimised UI from Microsoft (formally called Metro UI). The target devices for Gi2MO Reader are primary tablets and consuming content on the go.

Gi2MO Reader explores information presentation and interaction with Idea Management data delivered via the recently updated Gi2MO Ontology. Furthermore, similarly as our iPhone client, this application evaluates the use of IdeaStream Services – customisable REST API for accessing IdeaStream with RDF/XML as data exchange format.

The first basic version that we share today includes browsing multiple Gi2MO feeds and adding new feeds to the collection.

Main screen of Gi2MO Reader app with demo Gi2MO feeds loaded.

Furthermore, the app was developed as a training ground to play around with the new application design paradigm from Microsoft: writing desktop apps using JavaScript, HTML5 and CSS3. Some of the highlights development wise are:

  • loading data from local/remote static XML or REST services
  • asynchronous custom data sources that progressively load web content for ListView component(an example implementation in JavaScript for both item custom data source & custom group data source)
  • usage of CSS3 media tags to adjust application to snapped view
  • adding live tiles for each Gi2MO feed
  • basic use of application bar and application settings integrated with Windows 8 Modern UI
  • use of jQuery and RDFQuery for parsing RDF/XML in a Windows 8 app

Developing this app has also pushed and proven the flexibility of our IdeaStream Services solution based on RDFme data endpoint architecture. For the Gi2MO Reader we were required to create a REST service with pagination and customisable idea limit that returns the latest ideas plus all the statistics as with Gi2MO Stats app. We are happy to report that RDFme handled the challenge without any need for code update. For details see the SPARQL Plus code of the service and a sample RDF/XML generated with it.

Loading data from an individual Gi2MO feed using custom data source implementation and IdeaStream Services REST API.

For now, we did not put the Gi2MO Reader into the Windows Marketplace, however we share the source code together with the binaries so that it can be deployed on any Windows 8 PC (x86 or ARM). For details, more screenshots, as well as download links head over to the apps section.


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