CFP: Large-Scale Idea Management & Deliberation Systems (LSID 2013)

| April 17, 2013

Rather than introducing new publications ourselves, this time Gi2MO is joining the effort to stimulate Idea Management research in general! We are happy to announce a Call for Papers for the Workshop on Large-Scale Idea Management & Deliberation Systems (LSID 2013). Aside of publishing new achievements in the area, the primary aim of the workshop […]

Talk about opinion mining in Idea Management Systems during COOP2012

| May 22, 2012

We are happy to announce another talk from Gi2MO project entitled: “Mining sentiments in Idea Management Systems as a tool for rating ideas“. The presentation is based on a short paper by the same title and shall discuss the usefulness of opinion mining algorithms for Idea Management Systems. In particular, we will present the results […]

Talk about deliberation platforms and Gi2MO during WWW2012 in April

| April 12, 2012

If you follow our blog closely, you might have noticed news about our collaboration with IMC Technologies on including elements of Gi2MO Ontology in deliberation platforms to support building consensus from ideas that propose different solutions to a single problem. We went one step forward and are happy to announce a talk that will take […]